Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Trip

Wow! What an easy, problem-free trip. ALL the students worked on their LLA assignments on the plane and while waiting for our second flight in the airport in Paris. "Quels élèves sérieux!". The students were impeccably behaved, and, so far, I have not heard of anyone losing anything. BRAVO! I can't tell you about the second flight, as, having not slept during the first leg, I fell asleep once we took off, but Ms. Miller said it was very quiet, so I expect a lot of the students were asleep too. All our luggage arrived - which was a relief. They did want to charge us for our luggage for the second flight - but we managed to talk our way out of that. I have contacted the travel agent to try to make sure they don't try to pull that one on us on the return flights.

We had a lovely warm welcome at the small Rennes airport, and then were greeted at school with platters of freshly baked mini-croissants and pains au chocolat. Yummy! And so begins the "How much weight can we gain in 10 days" experiment😊 The students then returned home with their partners, on foot, by car, or on a school bus - much more comfortable than our school buses - more like a motor coach.

Today we we will meet the students at a bowling alley and hear all about their first day with their families. I can't wait to hear about their first impressions.

A plus tard, (or a+)

Mme Veitch

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